Daily Archives: 16 august 2009

Rudbeckia perena cu rizomi

My favourite early autumn yellow daisies are in fact perennial Rudbeckia, a relative of the popular annual daisies called Black-eyed Susan. The flowers have clear yellow petals and dark centres.

 These are really beautiful flowers.
Yellow Daisy Close-Up

Perennial Rudbeckia spreads by rhizomes, and new sprouting shoots can turn up rather a long way away from home. For this reason I’ve resisted the temptation to use it in new garden areas. My one and only Rudbeckia patch grows between the rose arches along the side of the house.

 I look forward to these early autumn flowering perennials.
Yellow Daisy Flowers by the Archway

These bright yellow daisies are absolutely beautiful in early autumn, when some of the nearby yellow daylilies are reflowering. This colour is certainly cheerful when the first cold weather strikes! sursa:mooseyscountrygarden.com/perennial-plantes

Aceasta floare am cumparat-o in rasad acum multi ani,este perena si mi s-a spus ca-i margareta galbena,insa acum am gasit-o,ea este…RUDBECKIA PERENA CU RIZOMI


UpDate: asta este planta de care zice Constantin,HELIANTHUS TUBEROSUS,are tuberculi.Interesant ca este identica cu a mea dar a mea nu are tuberculi ci rizomi.Inseamna ca-s doua variatiuni ale aceleeasi specii,asa cred eu:)

Tuberculi  comestibili

Denumire populara : topinambur, napi porcesti

de fapt acestia sunt napi porcesti.Ce bine-ar fi dac-ar fi si a mea de asta..ca cica se consuma si se extrag din ei niste substante care echilibreaza,stabilizeaza lipidele si zaharurile..Floarea mea nu are asa ceva in pamant sau poate trebuie sa caut,poate ca mai jos de rizomii pe care-i vad eu cand o smulg,poate ca are…

Helianthus tuberosus / Topinanbur