Secret italian: se pune un morcov la sfarsit ca sa absoarba aciditatea, se scoate dupa cateva minute; that is the italian secret
Ingredients needed:
5 pounds (3 kg) of fresh tomatoes, peeled and seeded (to peel, cut a small “x” on the top and drop in to boiling water for 10 seconds and drop in to an ice bath; the skin will easily peel off.)
1 carrot (one half should be grated and added to sauce, and the other half should be added at the end of cooking and then removed)
¼ cup olive oil (or tallow)
8 cloves of fresh garlic (or more to taste), finely minced
3 medium onions, diced
1 sprig of fresh thyme leaves (or ½ tsp dried)
1 sprig of fresh oregano (or 1 teaspoon dried oregano)
2 bay leaves (remove when done)
2 sprigs of parsley (or 1 tsp dried)
1 tablespoon of honey
1 teaspoon sea salt
⅓ cup fresh basil leaves, finely chopped
Deci, frunzele sunt de cimbru, de oregano, de dafin si cel mai mult de busuioc. In rest, ceapa si usturoi tocate se soteaza in ulei, se adauga rosiile fara pielite si tocate marunt, apoi frunzele, apoi mierea si sarea de mare.
Cu morcovul se face asa: jumatate se rade si se pune dupa ceapa si cealalta jumatate se adauga in sos cand este gata si se lasa cateva minute sa absoarba aciditatea dupa care se scoate (intreg- jumatatea). Se baga fierbinte in borcane, se capacesc, se rastoarna sau se fierb borcanele in bain marie.
ps. trebuie sa compar cu reteta de anul trecut din care, borcane, mai am cateva. de pe